Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, Theatre 33 decided to record and stream their 2021 Summer Season.

Merchant of Stratford by Maury Zeff

Directed by Rod Ceballos

Starring: Janae Graves, Cassie Greer, Taylor Jacobs, Jesse Merz, and Max Romprey

In 1600 plague-ridden Stratford, semi-legitimate businessman—and sometime playwright—William Shakespeare struggles to feed his family, finish his “greatest play ever,” and come to terms with his grief over the loss of his son.

Unbuttoning Virginia by Nora Douglass

Directed by Janet Gupton

Staring: Susan Coromel, Elizabeth Rothan, Andrew Beck, Michael Lowery, Ruby Reid, Nicholas Granato, and Michael Lowery.

Unbuttoning Virginia is a comedy about dying. A woman near the end of her life finds her voice and takes on the machinations of an absurd and indifferent medical bureaucracy with the help of an imaginary friend. Teetering between comic satire and family drama, the play is a journey of discovery, reconnection, and reconciliation for a woman who thought her life was over.

Russian Troll by Rich Rubin

Directed by Elizabeth Helman

Starring: Andrew Beck, Katie Worley-Beck, Alex Johnston, Thomas Nabhan, and Harriet Owen-Nixon.

Sasha is a Russian troll. Seriously, it’s his job – and a well-paying one at that. But Sasha’s life is far from simple. His boss, his mother and the woman he loves are all unhappy with him, and the foreign candidate he’s supposed to trash is far ahead in the polls. With things so messy, how will Sasha ever achieve his life-long dream – moving to America?